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Legal Consulting

Labor Relations, Contracts & Legal Consulting

Businesses in today’s world without Legal Consulting face many challenges. Working relationships should be based on the legal framework provided by the relevant organizations.

On the other hand, you should know that inter-organizational relations as well as the relations of the organization with the public should also be based on the framework of its own laws.

To avoid legal challenges that may cause financial problems or even prevent the operation of a business, you must be in contact with a team specializing in business legal affairs. You can also get business legal consultancy services from our faculty members.

Faculty Members in Field of "Legal, Contracts & Labor Relations"

Top Instructors & Specialists

Samaneh Meimeh

Legal Consultant for Real Estate & Land Claims

If you are looking to resolve your property and land…

Masoud Yahyaabadi

مشاور مدیریت و قانون کار

اگر بعنوان مدیر کسب و کار، به دنبال افزایش بهره…

Zahra Bagheri

Consultant of Management & Strategic Planning

If you are looking to use the latest global methods…

Ali Niktab

مشاور حقوقی

اگر به دنبال موفقیت در دعاوی ملكی، اراضی كشاورزی تغییر…

Saeed Naseri

مشاور منابع انسانی و روابط کار

اگر بعنوان مدیر و صاحب کسب و کار به دنبال…

Raheleh Homayouni

Commercial Expert & Consultant

If you are in need of a senior commercial officer…

Mahdi Nourmohammadi

مشاور حقوقی | مشاور شهرسازی

اگر به دنبال رفع مشکلات حقوقی و تخصصی املاک و…

Maryam Arab

مشاور حقوق بین‌الملل

اگر بعنوان فعال اقتصادی، به دنبال رفع چالشهای حقوقی و…

Translation Services

Think about being in the international market with the help of Succourad business translators!

What is a business legal consultancy and what are its conditions?

Business legal consultancy is said to be a set of discourses and actions that ultimately, a business or a person related to business can get answers to their questions. In this regard, it should be said that business legal consultancy, like other legal consultancies, includes its own rules.

Among the most important of these laws, we can mention the consultant’s qualification. The consultant must have the necessary licenses to provide legal consulting services. For example, lawyers who work in this field are among the people who can provide legal consultancy.

An active person in the field of business legal consultancy must have up-to-date knowledge of current laws in this field. It should be able to provide the best, cheapest and fastest solution to individuals and businesses to overcome challenges, and this issue makes legal consulting very important.

For this reason, you should consider that business legal services can be one of the best options in front of you. If you have any questions about receiving business legal consulting, you can contact the experts who are working in this field with Succourad and get answers to your questions.

Legal consulting services

  • Legal and contract affairs consultancy and supervision of their contract process
  • Legal consultancy in the field of tenders, auctions, etc. to organizations and companies
  • Providing legal and contract consulting services to business owners, employees, workers, etc. if necessary
  • Controlling and reviewing matters related to laws, statutes, regulations, instructions, etc.
  • Carrying out all matters related to registration, changes in the structure, liquidation of companies, etc.
  • Obtaining information about presenting to the courts for the defense of the organization or company
  • Investigating legal and administrative complaints and lawsuits

Entrepreneurship Consulting

By receiving consulting from the professional and successful experts of Succourad, guarantee the success of your business, booming sales and increasing your income!

Features of a business legal consulting

One of the most important features of a good business legal consulting can be considered to be providing solutions that may not be explicitly stated in labor laws.

In fact, an experienced and professional lawyer or consultant can always cooperate with you so that you can defend your rights in the field of business and not allow your rights to be violated.

On the other hand, it is better to use these services if you have legal challenges in the field of business. Because unprofessional consultancy, given by people who give consultancy empirically, will waste your time and money. Also, irreparable consequences may await you.

Contract consultancy is another aspect that is very important in the category of business legal consulting and should be taken seriously.

Contract consulting and its importance

Contracts are known as cooperation documents among organizations, individuals and government. They create a legal obligation for their parties, and every clause and article stated in them causes the parties to accept obligations towards each other.

This makes contract consultancy very important in today’s world. In fact, there are many companies and organizations or individuals who, due to not paying attention to the contract and simply signing it, have realized huge losses that have been inflicted on them financially.

Contract consulting can be in two areas

How to write a cooperation agreement that should be drafted according to your needs or consulting of the materials included in the agreement by the other party. Therefore, you should be very careful about receiving contract consulting.

This will allow you to have a strong contract and not allow the clauses of the contract that you are going to sign to be abused.

You should know that companies and organizations have their own policies in contracting, and this makes the conclusion of a cooperation contract very important.

Contract consulting helps these organizations and companies to express their policies in the best way in the field of organizational behavior or the obligations of the other party to the contract.

This example of business legal consulting is also provided and available to you by Succourad legal consultants. So, if you intend to receive these services, be sure to contact our legal consulting experts.

Why is it necessary to get labor relations consulting?

If you have encountered a problem with your employer as an employee/worker, or as an employer, you do not know how you should behave with your employee or worker in terms of labor law and social security law, you must receive labor relations consulting.

In fact, this will allow you to make the best choice and prevent the violation of your legal rights in the best way.

Labor law and social security are the two main sources of labor relations between organizations and employers and workers, and therefore knowing these laws is very important.

It is necessary to get labor relations consultancy considering the challenges that disregarding these laws can cause for you.

All these consulting will be available to you in an up-to-date and scientific manner by experienced legal experts from Succourad.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Get Consulting

Step 1

Choose Specialized Field

Step 2

Review Resume of Consultants

Step 3

Choosing Right Consultant

Step 4

Complete Counseling Order Form

Step 5

Payment of the Consultant's Fee

Step 6

Contact You to Set Appointment

Step 7

Communication Between You & Consultant