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Dr. Ali Ghavami

Business Consultant

Over 20 years of continuous efforts and activities and life-long knowledge acquisition in various administrative, scientific, and economic fields; launching several start-up and online businesses as well as providing Coaching, Training, Consulting, and Mentoring to more than 60,000 entrepreneurs, investors, companies, and other businesses in Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, India, Iran, Malaysia, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, TajikistanTurkey, UAE, UK, and USA were in different areas: “Entrepreneurship”, “Branding & Marketing”, “Improve & Growth Business (at Provincial, National, Regional, and International levels)”, “Investing”, and etc.

Dr. Ali Ghavami

PhD of Techno-Entrepreneurship

Member of American Marketing Association

Professional Services

I will help you to get the full service of starting or developing your business comfortably and remotely.

Time, Money, Freedom

Not getting the rewards from all of your hard work?
I have a 4 Step process to take you from stress and chaos to success and freedom.

Customer Needs Analysis

Customer needs analysis, is an assessment of a customer's needs for a product or service.


Opportunity Discovery

Opportunity discovery is at the heart of the Entrepreneurship approach to Starting a successful business.


Ideation & Innovation

It is the third stage of the entrepreneurial thinking process, where innovation and problem solving are provided.


Starting a Business

Rather than guessing where to start, contact me to transform your business from a lightbulb above your head into a real entity.

Scientific - Work Resume

  • PhD Degree: Technological Entrepreneurship
  • Master’s Degree: Mathematical Statistics
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Statistics
  • Welder & Repairer of Precious Metals
    Technical & Vocational Training Organization (TVTO), Iran, Autumn 2018
  • Selling Gold & Jewelry
    Technical & Vocational Training Organization (TVTO), Iran, Autumn 2018
  • Network & Information Security in Organizations
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Iran, Nov. 2017
  • Information Technology Projects Management
    Adiban Education Center, Iran, Jan. 2022
  • Member of Iran Specialists Association: Since March 2003
  • Member of Iranian Statistical Society: Since Sep. 2006
  • Affiliated Professor at Payame Noor University: Since Feb. 2007
  • Member of Informatics Society of Iran: Sep. 2014 – Sep. 2015
  • Member of Iranian eCommerce Association: Since March 2015
  • Member of American Marketing Association: Since Sep. 2017
  • Member of Iranian Scientific Marketing Association: Since Feb. 2021
  • Managing & Leadership
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Negotiation
  • Problem-Solving
  • Team Building
  • Team Working
  • Strategic Planning
  • Teaching
  • Coaching
  • Consulting
  • Mentoring
  • Researching
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge Spillover
  • Data Analysis
  • Market & Business Analysis
  • Discover Entrepreneurial Opportunities
  • Branding & Marketing
  • Investments
  • Business Development
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Data Analysis: SPSS, SPLUS, SAS, Minitab, EViews
  • SEO: Google Console, Google Analytics, Gtmetrix
  • Graphic Design: Photoshop, InShot
  • Database: SQL Server
  • Microsoft Office: Access, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, Word
  • Web Design: WordPress, Joomla
  • Programming: HTML, PHP, CSS
Persian: Native (Mother Tongue)
Mastery Level 100%
Arabic: Limited Working
Mastery Level 60%
English: Limited Working
Mastery Level 55%
  • Executive Chairman in 1st Statistical Conference of Statistical Society
    Tehran Branch of Payame Noor University, Nov. 2001
  • Member of Executive Committee in Workshop for SAS and its Usage in Discrete Multi-Variate Methods
    Esfahan Branch of Payame Noor University, Sep. 2005
  • Nation Wide Tests Constructor & Editor
    Question Bank of Payame Noor University, Since Jan. 2006
  • Member of Executive Committee of 1st Statistical Conference of PNU
    Imam Khomeini Harbor Branch of Payame Noor University, Mar. 2006
  • Instructor in Workshop for SPSS and its Usage
    Central Branch of Payame Noor University, Jun. 2006
  • Executive Chairman in Workshop for SPSS and its Usage
    Central Branch of Payame Noor University, Jun. 2006
  • Affiliated Professor at the University
    Tehran Branch & Rey Branch of Payame Noor University, Since Jan. 2008
  • IT Manager
    Question Bank, Payame Noor University (PNU), Sep. 2006 – Mar. 2011
  • Founder and CEO
    Aryanaz Advertising Group, Aug. 2011 – Aug. 2013
  • Founder and CEO
    Succourad International Business Team, Since Aug. 2013
  • Founder and CEO
    TopStep Informatics Group, Aug. 2013 – Sep. 2014
  • Head of Statistics and Information Center
    Roads & Urban Development of Tehran Province, Apr. 2013 – May. 2015
  • Founder and CEO
    BizEnt Entrepreneurship Group, Jun. 2015 – May 2017
  • Organizational Planning & Transformation Consultant
    Roads & Urban Development of Tehran Province, Feb. 2015 – Apr. 2017
  • Member of the Editorial Board
    The Donyaye Havadar (Economic-Social) Newspaper, Sep. 2017 – Nov. 2022
  • Housing Economics Analyst
    Roads & Urban Development of Tehran Province, Apr. 2017 – Mar. 2021
  • Member of Tehran Province Employment Working Group
    Tehran Governor’s Office, Apr. 2017 – Feb. 2018
  • Business Consultant
    The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcaster Org. (IRIB), Since Jan. 2018
  • Business Consultant
    Maidan Business Sponsoring Institute (Meidoun), Since March 2018
  • Head of Development & Strategic Policy Group
    Ministry of Roads & Urban Development of Iran, Since April 2018
  • Business Consultant
    Iranian Business Roadmap Co. (Alobizness), Since Dec. 2019
  • Project Manager “Growth Policy (National Entrepreneurship Support Plan)”
    Ministry of Roads & Urban Development of Iran, Since April 2020
  • Business Consultant
    Houshmand Sazane Daneshe Aati Company (Karmento), Since June 2022
  • Simulation of 2D Football Team to Participate in the World League of RoboCup
    Payame Nour University (PNU), Jul. 2012
  • Wireless Sensor Networks-Based Traffic Monitoring
    Payame Nour University (PNU), Aug. 2012
  • Positioning of Wireless Local Area Networks
    Payame Nour University (PNU), Sep. 2012
  • Lecturer at the 3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Accounting
    Shahid Beheshti University, Feb. 2014
  • Conducting a Preliminary Study on “Upgrading Air Transportation (Transportation of Cargo & Passengers) Using the 5th to 9th Freedoms”
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Sep. 2016
  • The Strategic Plan “Completing Iran-Turkey Transit Corridor (Tabriz-Van) through B.O.T.”
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Jun. 2017
  • Conducting Comparative Studies Regarding “Critical Infrastructure Insurance as a Strategic Policy in the Field of Crisis Management”
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Jul. 2017
  • The strategy of Value Engineering (VE) with the Approach of Realizing Resistance Economy Policies
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Aug. 2017
  • Human Resources Strategic Planning (with the Approach of Recreating Merit Selection System, service compensation, and productivity improvement)
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Jul. 2019
  • The Guidelines for the Evaluation of Middle Managers
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Aug. 2019
  • The Guidelines for the Process of Finding Talent and Appointing Managers
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Sep. 2020
  • The Guidelines Welfare-Motivational Policies for Employees with a Justice-Oriented Approach and Improving Productivity
    Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Feb. 2021
  • Professional Software Usage in the Agricultural Economy
    Payame Noor University (PNU) Publication, Sep. 2007
  • Network Analysis
    Payame Noor University Electronic Publication, Mar. 2007
  • Statistical Calculations with Computer
    Nedaye Karafarin Publication, Oct. 2012
  • Descriptive Statistics (Applied Statistics 1)
    Nedaye Karafarin Publication, Aug. 2012
  • Inferential Statistics (Applied Statistics 2)
    Nedaye Karafarin Publication, Aug. 2012
  • System Simulation
    Nedaye Karafarin Publication, Sep. 2012
  • Engineering Probability and Statistics
    Nedaye Karafarin Publication, May. 2013
  • Data Mining with R
    Nedaye Karafarin Publication, May 2013
  • Idea-Market: Everything you need to know about launching a successful business
    Nedaye Karafarin Publication, Apr. 2021
  • Customer Social Interactions in Digital Media & its Impact on Discovering Corporate Entrepreneurial Opportunities
    Quarterly Journal of Development & Evolution Management, May. 2022
  • Factors Affecting Technological Corporate Entrepreneurship: An eBusiness Approach
    Journal of Technology Development Management, Aug. 2019
  • Comparative Study of Entrepreneurship Education Policy Making Areas
    The Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education, Oct. 2017
  • Identifying the Aspects of Effective Technological Capability Evaluation on Innovative Performance (Case Study: Knowledge-Based Companies)
    The Caspian Sea Journal, Apr. 2016
  • Mobile Cloud Computing-Based eLearning
    Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (2nd International Conference and 3rd National Conference on Application of New Technologies in Engineering Sciences), Mar. 2016
  • Increasing the Competitive Advantage of eBusiness by Using Business Intelligence (BI)
    Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (2nd International Conference and 3rd National Conference on Application of New Technologies in Engineering Sciences), Mar. 2016
  • Emergence of Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship “KSTE”
    Shahid Beheshti University (3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Accounting), Jan. 2016
  • The Position of e-Commerce in Techno-Entrepreneurship
    Shahid Beheshti University (3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Accounting), Feb. 2016
  • Role of Entrepreneurs in Identifying the Competitive Advantage of ICT
    Shahid Beheshti University (3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Accounting), Feb. 2016
  • Business Intelligence (BI) and its Role in High-Tech-based Entrepreneurial Organizations
    Shahid Beheshti University (3rd International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Accounting), Feb. 2016
  • Economic Development and Entrepreneurship
    Bank & Economics Monthly (No. 137), Aug. 2015
  • A Review of Organizational Learning Paradigm
    The Silvae Genetica Journal, Jun. 2015
  • Joint Clustering Technique in WLAN Location Determination
    Khayyam Electric Higher Education Center (1st National Conference on Technology Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering), Jan. 2015
  • Countering Security Attacks on the Cloud with Data Mining Techniques to Detect Data Interference
    Khayyam Electric Higher Education Center (1st National Conference on Technology Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering), Jan. 2015
  • Using Bayesian Analytics in Cloud Computing
    Khayyam Electric Higher Education Center (1st National Conference on Technology Advances in Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering), Jan. 2015
  • Network Analysis
    Birjand University (5th Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes), Aug. 2005
  • Network Analysis Models
    The Journal of Iranian Statistical Society (Scientific-Student), Dec. 2004

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Step-by-Step Guide to Get Consulting

Step 1

Choose Specialized Field

Step 2

Review Resume of Consultants

Step 3

Choosing Right Consultant

Step 4

Complete Counseling Order Form

Step 5

Payment of the Consultant's Fee

Step 6

Contact You to Set Appointment

Step 7

Communication Between You & Consultant