Do You Need Help?
Sare Izadi

Sare Izadi

Position: Mechanical Engineering Consultant
Languages: English, Persian
Categories: Safety & Engineering
Location: Tehran

If you are looking to solve the problems of complex mechanical systems using the latest knowledge in your industry, get consulting from Dr. Sare Izadi.


Sare Izadi is a PhD student in mechanical engineering (energy conversion) and a graduate of mechanical engineering (energy conversion) from the Khajeh Nasiruddin Tousi University of Technology, inventor and has a 2nd-level license in the field of design and supervision of mechanical facilities.

Gaining years of experience in the fields of designing and implementing large, complex, and sensitive systems and facilities, such as cold storage design, water transfer system design, solar heating-cooling systems, etc., as well as benefit from modern knowledge; has caused Dr. Sare Izadi to be recognized as one of the best and best experts in large organizations such as the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.

  • PhD Student: Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion), Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
  • Master’s Degree: Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion), Khajeh Nasiruddin Tousi University of Technology
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Mechanical Engineering (Heat and Fluids), Hormozgan University
  • MATLAB, ACECR of University of Tehran
  • Fluent, ACECR of Amir Kabir University
  • HVAC design
  • Introducing modern building heating systems (radiant heating system, balance, and thermostatic valves)
  • Basics of design and implementation of floor heating systems
  • Participation in the educational seminar on the basics of designing and implementing floor heating systems
  1. License to design and supervise mechanical facilities, level 2
  2. Project manager for the design and construction of hydrodynamic pressure and sensitivity test devices for sanitary lever valves
  3. Collaborator of the project to provide solutions for the simultaneous use of conventional and solar heating and cooling systems in residential buildings in different parts of the country
  4. Collaborator of the project to introduce and compile a guide for the selection, design, and installation of air vent valve (air vent valve) in the construction of sewage systems
  5. Collaborator of the project to provide solutions for the simultaneous use of conventional and solar heating and cooling systems in residential buildings in different parts of the country
  6. Collaborator of the project of quality control guidelines for construction sanitary valves
  7. Cold storage design (Fruit, Fish, Meat)
  8. Water transfer system design
  9. Examining the best location of exhaust in heavy vehicles in terms of having the least drag force
  10. Internship at Abadeh Cement Factory
  1. The employee of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development in the position of an expert in the Building Engineering Development Office from 1998 until now
  2. Facilities expert, working in the mechanical and electrical facilities department of the Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center from 1992 to 1998
  3. Supervision of pipe and fitting companies, and sanitary valves under the technical certificate of the Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center (periodic annual visits)
  4. Participation in some current projects of the facilities sector
  5. The head of the construction sanitary valves laboratory of the Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center
  6. Project manager for the design and construction of the test device for sanitary lever valves
  • Patent for the manufacture of a lever sanitary valve test device
  • Obtaining points and validating the test device for sanitary lever valves by the Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Iran



The consultant's mastery of the subject 90%
The accuracy and patience of the consultant in answering 95%
Consultant's power of expression 98%
The scientific and practicality of the consultant's opinions 93%
Realize your goals from consulting 86%

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Step-by-Step Guide to Get Consulting

Step 1

Choose Specialized Field

Step 2

Review Resume of Consultants

Step 3

Choosing Right Consultant

Step 4

Complete Counseling Order Form

Step 5

Payment of the Consultant's Fee

Step 6

Contact You to Set Appointment

Step 7

Communication Between You & Consultant