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Time Management

What Are the Golden Techniques of Time Management?

Today, the crisis of time management is considered one of the main human concerns that has involved the minds of many people.

Weakness in this skill may cause many of us problems during various activities in our work and personal life. Don’t forget that time is very short in going through the maze of life and what can help to use this little time optimally is knowing the techniques to improve time management. In this article, we intend to talk about one of the most important human capitals, which is time management.

What is time management?

In general, the skill of planning and organizing tasks or events is called time management. In fact, time management can be considered as a kind of conscious control in spending time on various activities. The purpose of this process is to increase efficiency in the shortest time; Therefore, knowing techniques to improve time management can improve people’s personal life in addition to work and academic life.

In other words, time management can be introduced as an effective factor in establishing balance between work and personal life. To acquire this valuable skill, you need to learn techniques to improve time management. Finally, you will be able to use them in your personal and social affairs.

Time Management

Techniques to improve time management


Planning helps to organize things and plays a big role in improving time management. There are many ways to plan; But the choice of method is not important. It’s how much you commit to your plan that matters. To have a good plan, you must first prepare a specific list of tasks and times under your control. Now prioritize based on their importance.

Having a plan with general goals and then dividing it into more detailed goals will be very efficient and effective; Therefore, preparing to-do lists, using personal organizers, taking notes or using applications can help in a coherent and effective planning.

Classification of tasks

Categorization is one of the important techniques that can have a great effect on improving time management. First, prepare two lists of tasks that can be deleted and also tasks that can be delegated to other people. Then ask yourself if this is your main task or if it can be delegated to someone else.

Focus on an activity

Some people believe that doing several things at the same time is a smart way. While paying attention to several tasks at the same time can greatly reduce your concentration and minimize your productivity. Attention and concentration on a specific task, in addition to the high speed of doing that task, prevents your confusion and distress and allows you to make the most of your time.

Note that balancing the quality of work and the amount of time you spend on each task depends on your time management skills.

Time Management

Prioritizing daily activities

Determining the most important tasks and goals plays an effective role in time management. In fact, according to prioritization, you can do your most important goals at the beginning of the day. So that in case of lack of time, the main part of your program will not be damaged.

In this regard, one of the best techniques is using the glass jar method. In this method, your activities are classified into three categories of rocks, pebbles and sand, and your available time is treated like a glass. Stones are your most important projects and tasks that have the highest priority. Pebbles are important tasks that have a lower priority, and sand is less important and small tasks.

Note that if you fill your time glass with sand and pebbles, you have wasted a lot of your time . There is no room left for the stones that are your first priorities. Paying attention to the classification of activities based on this technique can play a significant role in improving time management.

Find the golden time

The golden time of each person is those hours when a person is highly productive. If you are more productive in the early hours of the day, try to get up early in the morning and do your most important or difficult tasks at that time. Using these times can play a big role in your effectiveness and performance improvement.

Attention to useless activities

The advancement of technology and the attractiveness of smart programs often waste our time. It is better to take measures to prevent these unnecessary and useless activities.

Not accepting inappropriate requests

One of the most important techniques for improving time management is not accepting inappropriate requests. One of the biggest problems that people struggle with is uncertainty. If you don’t have enough time to meet the demands of the people around you, it is better to learn to say no respectfully and decisively.

Pay attention to regular rest

Working continuously can be damaging. Regular and sufficient rest can increase your mental and physical productivity; You can use Pomodoro techniques for this.

According to this technique, you must give yourself a forced rest after doing some activity. Sometimes you may think that you don’t need to rest, but you should know that this rest can greatly increase your productivity in the next hours.

Time Management

 Auditing time

As one of the most basic techniques to improve time management, you need to know how much time you have for each task you do during the day or week.

You can find out the amount of time spent on each activity accurately by writing down your daily tasks during a week and the time allocated to these tasks. This action can prevent wasting daily time to a great extent.

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Finally, it can be said that the most important point in the optimal use of time is to learn the best techniques to improve time management. The items stated in the above article have been collected with the aim of increasing productivity in time management.

By using the presented techniques, you can take control of the days, hours and even seconds of your life and improve your time management. Keep in mind that it is never too late to plan and manage time.


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