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principles of management

How Principles of Management Lead to Business Success?

Most importantly, focus on acquiring the skills needed to manage people and choose the best of them. In the following, we discuss about the principles of management in successful business:

The First Principle: Management Functions

Many managers think that their job is only to monitor the work of their people and employees, but; This is a false thought. At its simplest, management is a heading that includes five main sub-sets or tasks: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. The basic principles of management are defined under these duties, and in order to determine what the principles of management are, we must know what the duties of a manager are. In fact, the first principle of management is to understand the duties of a manager. The following five tasks constitute the first principle of management:

1. Planning

When you think about being a manager, try to think of it as an important process of choosing the right goals and actions, and then deciding what strategies to use, what actions to take, and what resources to use. Use them to achieve.

2. Organizing

This part involves creating a beneficial relationship between employees and managers that allows them to work together to achieve the company’s goals.

3. Staffing

As the name suggests, this section involves hiring and using the right people for different departments and positions.

4. Directing

Directing a company involves creating a clear picture and vision of goals and the future, energizing employees, motivating people who share your vision, making an impact, and having effective communication skills.

5. Controlling

In this step, you check how close you are to your goals and the progress of your actions.

The Second Principle: Types and Roles of Managers in an Organization

In order to say what the second principles of management is, we have to specify the roles of managers at any level. Organizational structure and strategy are one of the most important principles of managing a business to advance it towards its goals, and every company has a specific strategy for itself.

Apart from the organizational titles, these collections usually have three types of managers, which include executive director, middle manager and senior manager.

The Third Principle: Effective Management of Resources

Another basic principle of management is resource management. Dr. Ray Powers, a member of the board of directors of the Forbes School of Business and Technology, says: “I consider the resources of a company to be its people, time, money and property, and we all know that the basic definition of a project or any other work we want to do is to have a goal. It is the beginning time and the end time.

The Fourth Principle: Know the Business

People who are looking for management should first of all learn the characteristics of the business and explore its different parts one by one in order to finally get an overall picture. After going through this stage, successful managers invest in their overall image so that they can increase their performance and move towards their goals.

The Fifth Principle: Motivation, Motivation and Motivation!

Motivating is another principle of management. Note that as the manager of a business, you are the manager of all the personnel there.

In that business, there are motivated and energetic people who may even be a source of energy and motivation for you, and there are people who suffer from excessive lack of motivation and work for you just to get a monthly salary.

The same unmotivated person also has abilities and potentials that, if flourished, will make that person become important personnel and a vital piece for your business. So, instead of looking at unmotivated people, you should have a comprehensive and scientific view and do two things:

• Find the source of his lack of motivation.
• Find out what motivates him.

The source of his de-motivation may be his exhausting job duties. With a small change, you can inject a lot of motivation into your staff.

But if the reason for his lack of motivation is personal or family, you should not consider this outside the scope of your duties.



What you have read is part of the principles of management used by most large business owners. Remember that as a manager, to achieve greater job satisfaction and success in your work, you need to be true to your company’s vision, tasks, strategies, leadership, system, structure, and culture. In all your dealings, treat people fairly and honestly, and do your best to uphold the ethical principles and values of yourself and the organization you manage. Live by your words and remember that people are watching you to see if you do what you say.

Provide the best for your team, company and customers. Try to be an effective manager to get the best results. Also build a useful and productive relationship with your team and customers.

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