Do You Need Help?
Elham Bakhtiari

Elham Bakhtiari

Position: Manager, Consultant & Content Strategist
Categories: Branding, Marketing & Sales
Location: Tehran

If you need a professional content manager, consultant and strategist to get a position in search engines, get Consulting from Elham Bakhtiari.


Elham Bakhtiari, a graduate of industrial engineering, is fascinated by words and has traveled to the world of content.

Eng. Elham Bakhtiari has been active in the field of content production and management for several years in the field of content marketing and marketing (especially in the field of tourism) and has accumulated experience.

Now, Elham Bakhtiari is interested in transferring my experiences and talking and consulting to new businesses.

  • BSc of Industrial Engineering
  • Content Marketing in industrial management organization
  • Digital Marketing in Google Garage
  • Performance Marketing
  • HTML and WordPress
  • SnapTrip content marketing manager – tourism sector
  • Actic content marketing manager: field of travel and entertainment
  • Freelance writer in the fields of tourism, technology (hosting and domain), film and series



The consultant's mastery of the subject 90%
The accuracy and patience of the consultant in answering 95%
Consultant's power of expression 98%
The scientific and practicality of the consultant's opinions 93%
Realize your goals from consulting 86%

Do you want to be recognized as a strong brand? Would you like to increase your income? Would you like to develop your business in new markets? Do you want to know the needs of customers and competitors’ strategies and their strengths and weaknesses precisely? By using Marketing Consulting services, while getting to know the latest and best business growth and development strategies in the world; Make your dreams come true with the help of Succourad’s Faculty Members. CONTACT US

Step-by-Step Guide to Get Consulting

Step 1

Choose Specialized Field

Step 2

Review Resume of Consultants

Step 3

Choosing Right Consultant

Step 4

Complete Counseling Order Form

Step 5

Payment of the Consultant's Fee

Step 6

Contact You to Set Appointment

Step 7

Communication Between You & Consultant