The skill of saying NO is known as one of the most important skills in communication skills, and strengthening it is important and undeniable, especially in the culture of Iranian people.
The skill of saying NO
All human beings have an instinctive desire to keep others satisfied and to make them happy. For this reason, it is difficult to answer negatively to the wishes of others. This issue makes us think that those who can take the path they like regardless of other people’s wishes are strong and successful people. We consider this power to be the result of an internal skill known as the skill of saying no.
Many of us have not learned the skill of saying NO or we do not have the courage to say no.
Dare to say NO
Although considering the condition of others is important and can be seen as one of the positive features of our country’s culture, sometimes it causes the message to not be conveyed correctly. For example, the skill of saying no is such that if it is not said clearly and decisively, the person may not understand the negative answer.
So, saying no is a skill that we have to learn, and the courage to say no can only be obtained by knowing the solutions and practicing. When you are learning the skill of saying no, you will learn not to be afraid of words, be respectful and speak your mind easily. The strategies to strengthen and learn the skill of saying NO are as follows:
8 strategies that strengthen the power of saying NO in you
1. You are not supposed to be able to do everything
Accept and understand that you are not going to be able to handle everything that is offered or asked of you and spend all your time doing things that others want. If you think that a part of other people’s wishes can be done for you, tell the person that you can only manage a part. It is better to open an account with someone else to do the rest.
2. You will not be selfish with the skill of saying NO
There are people who think that by rejecting the wishes of others, they appear to be selfish. Of course, many people will label you selfish when you reject their offer. This is a normal problem and it is better not to pay too much attention to it.
3. You can’t always do what others want you to do
Respecting others is different from always pleasing and doing according to others’ wishes. You must know that pleasing others will make you not enjoy life enough and you will always feel lacking. Engrave in your mind that the only person who needs to be satisfied in your life is yourself.
4. Think about the positive aspects of the skill of saying NO
Having peace in life and a positive outlook on life issues, both are in a position that complement each other; It means that a person who has peace is definitely positive in life. The same applies to saying no.
5. Speak firmly
Firmly, with an expressive and self-confident voice, but with respectful words and tone, reject inappropriate requests. The stronger the tone of your voice during the conversation, the more confidence you convey to the other party, and this makes people not insist on their unreasonable requests.
6. Pay attention to body language
The science of recognizing body language is highly applicable in today’s world and should be paid attention to. You get the courage to say no when you raise your head and look the other person in the eyes and answer his request easily.
7. Convince your opponent with a solid reason
It is true that you don’t need to explain the personal issues of your life completely and comprehensively to everyone, but you can explain your reason for saying no with one sentence. Then reject the other person’s offer or request and convince him. This work, in most cases, makes the other person not bored with you.
8. Provide alternatives
After you say no to the other person’s offer, find an alternative option for what he wants and this time offer it to him.
The power to say NO
After saying no, many people feel shame and guilt, feel guilty and finally regret saying no. But knowing personality traits, as well as individual values and priorities, strengthens the skill of saying NO and empowers a person to be honest about what they want and reject requests they don’t like.
The benefits of saying NO
Training and strengthening the skill of saying NO has many benefits, especially in the direction of personality development. Because people feel empowered by standing up to irrational and harmful demands and take control of their lives and decisions, saying no can also increase self-confidence.
Another benefit of saying no is saving time. When you accept a lot of responsibility, you have to spend most of your time doing the work assigned to you and you may fall behind your plans.
The skill of saying NO in life and work
By strengthening the skill of saying NO in your personal and professional life, it becomes easier to achieve your goals. Especially in work life, many people suffer from abuse and inability to say no in front of their colleagues.
Why are we afraid to say NO?
There are many reasons to be afraid to say NO:
- Avoiding conflict: Most of us want to avoid confrontational discussions whenever possible. Therefore, agreeing with others becomes our default response.
- To be more lovable: We often respond positively to other people’s requests; Just to make us look more attractive.
- Fear of rejection: Sometimes we feel that by saying the first NO, we will lose the other person forever.
Why do we need the skill of saying NO?
In general, it is better to learn to say no as a skill for the following three reasons:
- Saying no allows you to set boundaries in your life. If you are always saying yes, there are definitely people who will take advantage of this characteristic of yours for their own benefit.
- Rejecting unreasonable requests from others will give you more time to focus on your personal life and move towards success.
- The skill of saying no makes you have control over your life and this factor directly strengthens your self-confidence to a great extent.
Never say YES immediately
Experience has proven that most of the times we have agreed to a request without thinking and as quickly as possible, we have regretted it later. Always try to buy some time to assess the situation and accept an offer if the position is available.
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As famous writer Paulo Coelho says:
“When you’re constantly saying yes to others, make sure you’re constantly saying no to yourself.”
Many people find it difficult to refuse requests from others and say YES most of the time, even against their will. If you fall into this category of people, you should definitely increase your power of saying no.
In this article, we examined the skill of saying NO and ways to strengthen it. If you still have questions or doubts in this regard, you can discuss with the experts who work with Succourad in this field so that they can answer you as soon as possible.