Fatemeh Mohammadi is a DBA in Executive Management, Master’s in Business Administration in Electronic Commerce, and Bachelor’s in Accounting.
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadi, in addition to acquiring modern knowledge and obtaining digital marketing certifications from MPT Academy (Matris Pedia Training), Esan, Hamrasystem, Helo, Rafe software certification from Tarabe Nagar Institute, Digital Marketing from Tehran University, Advanced Excel from Higher Education Institute Mehr Alborz; As a Marketing and Branding Manager at Barz Halil Technical Engineering Group, Product Manager of Johnson & Johnson Company (Kadman Brand), Supervisor of Payam Keihan Teb Company, Sales Information Analysis Expert of Tekapo Production Quality Company (Kitotek), Marketing Consultant of Navai Aftab Mehr Institute and… Gaining experience has paid off.
After years of acquiring valuable knowledge and experience in various fields, Fatemeh Mohammadi is currently engaged in branding, marketing, sales and product management.
Do you want to be recognized as a strong brand? Would you like to increase your income? Would you like to develop your business in new markets? Do you want to know the needs of customers and competitors’ strategies and their strengths and weaknesses precisely? By using Marketing Consulting services, while getting to know the latest and best business growth and development strategies in the world; Make your dreams come true with the help of Succourad’s Faculty Members. CONTACT US …
Forward-looking entrepreneurs and innovative businesses benefit from the latest knowledge and the bitter-and-sweet experiences of others for their growth.
We at “Succourad” after years of experience and providing various services at National, Regional, and International levels, relying on the latest knowledge and with the support of our experienced members, we are with you from the beginning to the end of setting up your business and its development at the worldwide level.
Until now, we have tried to provide all the services you need (Training, Coaching، Consulting، Mentoring, Translating، Acceleration, Digital Marketing، Hosting, Content Creation, Web-Design, SEO , etc.) 24 hours a day as soon as possible with highest level of quality & lowest cost .
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